Don't fall on me.


In botany, a leaf is an above-ground plant organ specialized for photosynthesis. For this purpose, a leaf is typically flat (laminar) and thin. There is continued debate about whether the flatness of leaves evolved to expose the chloroplasts to more light or to increase the absorption of carbon dioxide. In either case, the adaption was made at the expense of water loss.

In the Devonian period, when carbon dioxide concentration was at several times its present value, plants did not have leaves or flat stems. Many bryophytes have flat, photosynthetic organs, but these are not true leaves. Neither are the microphylls of lycophytes. The leaves of ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms are variously referred to as macrophyll, megaphylls, or euphylls. - Wikipedia

Mutley, you snickering, floppy eared hound.


Mutley, you snickering, floppy eared hound. When courage is needed, you're never around. Those medals you wear on your moth-eaten chest should be there for bungling at which you are best. So, stop that pigeon, stop that pigeon, stop that pigeon, stop that pigeon, stop that pigeon, stop that pigeon, stop that pigeon. Howwww! Nab him, jab him, tab him, grab him, stop that pigeon now.
There's a voice that keeps on calling me. Down the road, that's where I'll always be. Every stop I make, I make a new friend. Can't stay for long, just turn around and I'm gone again. Maybe tomorrow, I'll want to settle down, Until tomorrow, I'll just keep moving on. Top Cat! The most effectual Top Cat!
Who's intellectual close friends get to call him T.C., providing it's with dignity. Top Cat! The indisputable leader of the gang. He's the boss, he's a pip, he's the championship. He's the most tip top, Top Cat.Just the good ol' boys, never meanin' no harm. Beats all you've ever saw, been in trouble with the law since the day they was born. Straight'nin' the curve, flat'nin' the hills. Someday the mountain might get 'em, but the law never will. Makin' their way, the only way they know how, that's just a little bit more than the law will allow. Just good ol' boys, wouldn't change if they could, fightin' the system like a true modern day Robin Hood. - Malevole

This is the third sample post.


Nunc at massa et ligula tristique porta. Phasellus a quam. Vestibulum in purus eu tortor mattis porttitor. Nunc imperdiet, odio sit amet molestie porta, orci sapien ornare leo, sed vestibulum lacus ligula eu odio. Fusce non lacus at nibh rutrum pulvinar. Curabitur sed elit. Nullam pulvinar auctor diam. Aenean eget massa eu eros sollicitudin faucibus. Vivamus vitae dui. Sed venenatis dictum tellus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.